TechnoPro can see potential. Whether it be in a new product or in individuals that have applied for positions with our company. Roshawn May is an example of what great potential can become. A little over 5 years ago, I had the pleasure of connecting with him for a phone interview for one of our Software Support Consultant positions. He was fresh from college (holding an advance degree in Computer Engineering Technology), actually the day of our call he was going to his graduation ceremony later that night. He was professional and personable. I was impressed and we wanted him on the team.
Since that day he has continued to carry himself with such professionalism and have a personal touch with clients. He was a valued member of the Support team for a few years and since then has transferred successfully into the Implementation team. Roshawn has also extended himself into the marketing team and shown to provide such a huge asset when developing marketing videos and all things media.
Roshawn lives and breaths tech. He not only excels in his position with us but runs his own gaming company. Living with passion and consideration of others, Roshawn is a wonderful teammate to have within TPRO. We could not be prouder of the things he has accomplished over the past 5 years. Thank you Roshawn keep doing you.